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Mechanized Pollination

Incorporating the best technology in our work is a key part of our definitions as a company.

Polinización Asistida

An example of this is the mechanized pollination process that we carry out in the producers' orchards thanks to the “Grande Bombo” machine, which complements the work of the bees to ensure fruit set together with an optimal size and shape of the fruit. This machine, imported from Italy, is specially designed for kiwi pollination and replaces the manual process that requires more labor.

Esta máquina, importada desde Italia, está diseñada especialmente para polinización de kiwis y reemplaza el proceso manual que requiere de mayor cantidad de mano de obra.

In the photo, you can see part of this process recently carried out in a yellow kiwi orchard under plastic cover, located in the commune of Las Cabras. With this system, an average of 15 to 18 ha per day can be pollinated.


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