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In modern fruit growing there is a constant renewal of phytosanitary products . For their incorporation they must be supported by studies in real and local production conditions. We perform  product validation  with high rigor scientific  and includes the implementation of an experimental design according to the characteristics of each trial and the statistical analysis of the information obtained.


The trials are established in their own orchards  with high production and quality standards, where we control risk factors such as the applications of a phytosanitary program, irrigation, harvesting and other agricultural tasks.


In addition, we have the appropriate equipment to evaluate a wide variety of parameters in the field, where the equipment stands out: Scholander Pump , Porometer , Radiometer  infrared , SPAD , Drone , Software for image analysis , among others.

We have a team of professionals with extensive experience and knowledge in agricultural research, led by Dr. Luis Ahumada , who has the degrees of Magister and Doctor in Agricultural Sciences that guarantee the validity of the results obtained.


Constance Fernandez

In charge of investigations and OTEC

+ 56 9 87244340

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